Monday 2 November 2009

All the News that Fits

Monday 2 November 2009
Not much happening in the ol' Bk in the past few days (again, sorry about the pedestrian nature of this blog. I'll try to spice it up soon.) It was a really nice fall day, and I spent most of it in the library trying to plan grad school and life (clearly grad school requires more research and planning than moving to NYC, for that I just watched "The Muppets Take Manhattan" and hitched a ride out.) So I did that, and made lentil-tomato soup (Aunt Sue, I finally found a use for those hot peppers!) which was pretty tasty. It was less dramatic than the last time I tried to make soup, which some of you know about...a few weeks ago I was blendering squash soup and filled the blender too full and the blender exploded and spewed boiling squash chunks on my hair and arm and shirt, and the walls, floor, microwave, cookbook. It was like that scene in Bridget Jones' Diary when she's trying to cook, and then Colin Firth shows up (no Colin Firth this time though.) But the squash soup actually ended up being pretty tasty, too.

I was at the bookstore on Hallowe'en and helped hand out candy, and some of the kids were super cute. I saw too many Michael Jackson costumes, though. And a little girl came up and said to us at the Info Desk, "what kind of bugs live in cemetaries? Zombees!" so we gave her about 10 pieces of candy.

Tomorrow is Election Day, and I am pretty ambivalent about it because I am not registered here (and I actually forgot to request an absentee ballot from home. Bad citizenship award). But here are some more exciting news stories: 1. "Pink it's time to move: Technicolor house is for sale in Park Slope." On my walk to work, I pass through some stately brownstone blocks in Prospect Park West and Park Slope (picture where the Cosby's lived on "The Cosby Show".) But the other day, I went down Garfield Street and my retinas were temporarily damaged by a pepto-bismol pink house, still connected to all the other ones. It gives the cerulean and purple one (with a gold chimney, no less) on my parents street a run for the money. It's like in Chautauqua when they have laws about what colors you can paint your house, and what colors are acceptable for trim. (Bollocks, I say. But no one asked me.) Anyway, I think the neighbors are probably not happy with this, but it's certainly interesting. And 2. "Flatbush jobs listing mystery solved!" There are a lot of job postings on telephone poles on Flatbush Ave, which is a very long street that cuts through Brooklyn. Turns out they are placed there not by city employees, but by an older Carribean woman who prints them out at the library and tapes them up because she sees "so many young men wasting their lives," and this is how she wants to help. I just think it's nice.

P.S. M and P--Melis is sitting on the living room floor wearing her "Got Melk?" shirt and reading out loud from the Black's Law Dictionary that you two got her. I forewarned her that this might be going on the blog, and she said you'd be glad to know she was putting the Dictionary to good use. Now she is reading a Croatian children's book.
P.P.S. Now the Yankee game is starting--world series win tonight?!


liz said... soup and some congealed green gunge. hilarious.

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