Monday 30 November 2009

What's Up?

Monday 30 November 2009
I used to say "what's up?" to my flatmates, and they used to look at me, bemused, and say, "the sky. Clouds. Ceilings." Those Brits. And "what's up?" is: not much. I had a lovely Thanksgiving, ate an absurd amount of pumpkin-related goodness, slept in a real bed, lost every single card or boardgame that I played, and brought back 3 cans of Wegmans jellied cranberry sauce (I love real cranberry sauce, like the VERY good kind my Aunt Sue made, with oranges, but Wegmans is just so fab). And I got to see my fam! (HI!!)

Brooklyn is as ever. The bookstore has started playing Christmas tunes, which means I'm about to enter into some unmitigated Retail Hell, but no matter. My roomate has put up her fake tree in the living room. I am baking peanut butter cookies, listening to some cheesy '80's pop, and actively avoiding grad apps (AGAIN.) Today I scanned period rooms at the museum and went to the grocery store. It drizzled, but not in a bad way. Some guy tried to spit on my foot as I was getting ready to cross the street this morning. I dodged it though, lest you all were concerned.

This time two years ago I was in Scotland getting a tattoo. Last year I was...what? I have no idea. Probably writing something and being a nutter about finals (now there is something I don't much miss.) As for what is "up" next for the blog--possibly a guest post! And a backstash of arty reviews, pictures of graffiti, and the like. Stay tuned.


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