Wednesday 26 August 2009

Batten Down the Hatches

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Mother Nature (or would it be Poseidon?) had its revenge this weekend, when Hurricane Bill riled up the Brighton Beach waves. I went to check it out Saturday, and the best part was how deserted the beaches were, since they were technically closed. I say "technically," because Brooklynites don't really follow rules--like stopping at red lights, or signs saying "beach closed." The elderly Russians (the main inhabitants of Brighton Beach at 8 am) were heartily ignoring the signs and red flags, and still going for their morning swims. They also ignored the Park Service staff who were bellowing at them through Megaphones.

I walked on the beach for awhile, and the riptides were definitely stronger than normal, but the waves weren't too high. I saw a few people fishing, and a few people metal-detecting through the sand. And the sun was out! Here's a final shot of Coney Island, with the clouds starting to roll in.


Tara said...

Haha. All of the spanish population around here do the same thing. Whenever there is a sign that says no swimming, they swim. No fishing, they fish. I haven't decided if they're badass or simply unable to read/understand english.

Marth said...

Rip tide? Is that like Rip Torn? do you even know who that is? HAHA.

Anna Wager said...

Mom, you are such a dork. :)Rip Torn is in 30 Rock, which is another reason you should watch it!

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